Technologies, LLC
Non-Structural Precast

This is a very broad category in terms of the spectrum of products and markets. With Miracon's® ToughAir® or CapCell®, either one is well suited to enhance manufacturing, placement, and, end-product performance across the full range.
Even though considered non-structural, some products must have strength properties common to structural products. So, if weight is not a major issue, using as little as 4% to 8% will satisfy freeze-thaw requirements, and will significantly help with rheological/placement in molds of all types.
In many cases, product design requirements dictate that dead-load properties of concrete components significantly reduced. At the same time strength properties must still meet 3,000 or 4,000 psi design requirements. Depending on the load reduction desired, it is easy to design end-products in this category by using from as little as 20% to as much as 40% ToughAir® or CapCell®. Cost-effectiveness and repeatability are certainly givens to warrant customer preferences in using this product design approach.
Some very special product applications arise routinely, and, again, these are typically quite easy to design with our product. One such example was the project on the Texas gulf coastal where a delivery system for LNG – going from an LNG ship to the LNG plant was needed. The engineering design specification of this structure required the concrete to have 60% ToughAir® and 1500 psi comprehensive design with very low permeability.