Technologies, LLC
Miracon Tehcnologies®
Mix Design Program

The above referenced Mix Design Program is a tool that we utilize, often as a first step, in evaluating a “best approach” to the design of a mix for a particular application – such as slip-form paving, curb and gutter, architectural wall panels, molded precast, etc. This is a fundamentally important tool since it will provide some guidance on how to evaluate locally available materials for compaction, rheology, etc. .
As stated, we believe that this program is essential to understanding how to “approach” a desired mix performance specification. What this program, by itself, does not do is indicate the specifics of other, needed, mix ingredient information – such as impact of angularity of sand and rock; or how paste quality/mortar fraction can be optimized and/or which admixture types and what loading rate works best.
We have a great deal of experience in optimizing mix design(s) of dense weight, lightweight and ultra-lightweight specifications. Additionally, we have extensive experience with a complete range of admixture types, as well as brands.
Optimizing mix designs for performance properties and at the same time, optimizing for cost efficiency, is very much how we routinely assist in providing on-going value to our customers.
Right Air Product + Right Design Tools + Right Know How = Best Results
Miracon Technologies,LLC®